21-07-2009 International show in Oberwart |

First time out in Puppy Class at the International show in Oberwart (Austria) on 19-07-2009, Maja won Best of Breed Puppy and Best In Show Puppy 5!
Thank you Vesna for your utmost care, love and handling!
Thank you judge Primoz Peer for Maja's complimentary critique! |

Huge congratulations to Maja Krempuš for winning Best In Show Junior Handling with Eva!! |
30-06-2009 BIS 3 Baby for Pippie |

At the clubmatch of KC Delft on 28-06-2009 Pippie won Best of Breed Baby and finished as 3rd Best Baby In Show!
Congratulations to Colinda Dijkhuizen and my sister Vesna Krajnc for winning Best of Breed and Reserve Best In Group with Tong-Hua Gyalwa! |
14-06-2009 International show in Klagenfurt |

Today Maja showed Eva at the International show in Klagenfurt, Austria.
Mrs. Brigitte Bregenzer judged the Lhasa Apsos, and she awarded Eva with CAC and Res.CACIB!
At the end of the day, Maja and Eva took BIS 3 in Junior Handling.
Well done girls!! |
07-06-2009 Alpe Adria Winner |

Second day in Portorož (SLO) was the Alpe Adria Winner. Vesna took Maja there and she again won Best of Breed Baby!
After being awarded with Adria Baby Winner 2009 the first day, she added the title Alpe Adria Baby Winner 2009 to her name today.
Maja was one of the 6 selected babies in the honorary ring.
Thank you judges Jorge Nallem and Željko Gajič, but most of all - Thank You Vesna!! |
06-06-2009 The sisters did the double! |

Today Pippie started her show carreer at the clubmatch of KC Friesland in Franeker (NL). She won Best of Breed Baby and finished as Best Baby In Show!
Our sincere thanks go to judges Mr. Martin v.d. Weijer en Mr. Jan de Gids! |

The same day Vesna started Maja's show carreer at the International show in Portorož (SLO).
Maja followed in her sister's footsteps and also won Best of Breed Baby and Best Baby In Show!
Thank you sis for showing her with so much love and joy, I am só proud of you!
Our sincere thanks for Maja's wins go to judges Mr. Željko Gajič & Mrs. Beata Petkeviča! |
02-06-2009 The new generation |

Pippie & Maja have their own sections!
Click here for Pippie, and click here for Maja. |
01-06-2009 International show in Hrušica |

At the International show in Hrušica (SLO) on 31-05 our Wicket won the open class and was awarded the CAC! |

Eva took Res.CAC in champions class.
Maja and Eva again won Best In Show Junior Handler! |

Metka took Res.CAC in open class!
Thank you Vesna, Maja and Simona!! |
31-05-2009 The Legend will live on... |
The sad news of Gloria Fowler of Everglo Kennels passing away on May 30th reached me today...
I had the good fortune to meet Gloria in her home in Bakersfield CA in 2001, surrounded by her Lhasa Apsos.
She will be missed, but will always be greatly appreciated for what she has contributed to the breed.
Gloria was a remarcable lady who dedicated her life to preserve a breed. Please visit the Kyechu Goal section to read more about Gloria and her dogs.
Thank you Gloria for everything you did for my beloved breed, you will never be forgotten... |
24-05-2009 Double International show in Varaždin |

Maja took Eva to the International shows in Varaždin (Croatia) on May 23 and 24.
On the 24th Eva won CAC/CACIB.
On the 25th Eva won CAC and Res. CACIB.
On top of these wonderful wins, they won Best In Show Junior Handler on Saturday!
Congratulations to this lovely couple, I'm só proud of both of them! |
19-05-2009 Best of Opposite for Eva! |

At the International show in Salzburg on May 17th Eva won CAC/CACIB and BOS!
Way to go Eva and Maja, what a nice win!! |
11-05-2009 International shows in Umag |

At the International show in Umag (Croatia) on 09-05 Eva won CAC/CACIB and Best Of Breed!
On 10-05 Eva again won CAC/CACIB and Best Of Breed!
On Sunday Maja and Eva also won Best In Show Junior Handler!
Well done Maja and Eva, I'm proud of both of you!! |
07-05-2009 Angel birthday |

Yesterday Prescious would have turned 5 years old, but fate decided we can't celebrate her birthday together anymore... An English friend wrote this
poem for the day I celebrated her life instead of her birthday. Thank you Lia!!

Here is a picture of a beautiful girl
One to remember forever and a day
She was and is a sacred pearl
Bringing joy to her Mom in every way
Memories are sweet, Memories are sad
But for you Prescious, they will never be bad
The Love you gave and the love you were given
Forever will you always be 'living'
Sweet memories dear Press
Please always rest
Life will begin again once more
On our heaven's peaceful shore
Your life on earth was mean't to be
Now you have to go and see
The new chapter you have to begin
Until your Mom can be there within |
06-05-2009 3 times Best of Breed for Eva! |

Last weekend Maja showed Eva at the International shows in Montenegro and Macedonia with splendid results! Eva won three times Best of Breed and with these wins Eva is now:
- Champion of Macedonia
- Champion of Montenegro
Well done Maja and Eva!! |
02-05-2009 Bye bye babies... |

Last weekend Beertje and Milan went to their new homes... We wish them all the best and a life full of joy and happiness!
Maja and Pippie had their first ring training and did amazingly well, considered they're just 14 weeks old.
Photos...click here! |
13-04-2009 Growing up |

We have added new photos of Pippie, Maja, Beertje and Milan, who turned 12 weeks old today. Time flies..!
The new photos can be found here. |
06-04-2009 Enjoying life! |

Pippie, Maja, Milan and Beertje are enjoying life to the max! Every day they go for a walk, visit shops and friends, enjoy being outside in a fenced area and of course they play a lot with each other.
Today we took advantage of the really nice weather and they ate their chicken bones outside.
Please click here to see their "picknick". |
31-03-2009 In Memoriam |

Ten weeks after her totally unexpected death I found the strenght to make an 'In Memoriam' page for my sweet little Prescious...
Life is tough without her, I still miss her every minute of the day. I could never imagine how much pain her death would cause, and how sad and lonely I would be. But I'm gratefull for the two wonderful years we had together, and I cherish all the memories...
Please click here to see her memoriam. |
29-03-2009 10 weeks old |

Now, at the age of almost 10 weeks, three of the Presils are entrusted to their new families.
One sweet little boy is still available to a loving and caring home. He is the one on the photo on the left.
New photos of Pressie's sons and daughters can be found here. |
22-03-2009 Flying out... |

The time has come to let go... Tears are flowing, because we will miss the babies who go to their new homes, but we know they taken in by loving and caring families...
Sweet little Pressie, thank you for entrusting us with your babies, and for letting us and the new families have a little piece of you. You will never be forgotten...
Please click here to see the new head studies. |
16-03-2009 8 weeks old! |

Time flies, and today our little Presils turn 8 weeks old!
It is so much fun to play with them, and to see how well they are developping. They have come from far, but have really catched up now.
We are enjoying every moment with the whole bunch now, because this weekend the first babies will go to their new mommies and daddies...
Click here to see the new video. |
10-03-2009 Video added |

Yesterday we took a video of the little Presils while they were having the free run in the living room.
They enjoy playing with each other so much, and exploring every corner of the room is of course very exciting!
Please click here to see the video. |
08-03-2009 Almost 7 weeks old |

Tomorrow the little Presils turn 7 weeks old already. Time flies, and tiny puppies grow up so quickly...
They love running through the living room, are exploring every corner and chasing Milo and Ponya!
Milo is very happy with all his new friends and is happily licking the tiny ears. Ponya prefers lying on the sofa to watch and guard the little monkies.
New photos - please click here. |
06-03-2009 Lazy day |

Today the little Presils had a lazy day, and gave me the opportunity to take some sweet sleepy pictures of them.
Please go here to see them. |
02-03-2009 6 weeks old Presils |

Today the little Pressie babies turn six weeks old. All are healthy happy puppies who like to eat, sleep and play.
The overall quality of this litter is very nice, and I'm very happy with the way they are developping.
Click here to see the new photos, which were taken by Susanne Borchert. Thank you Susanne! |
22-02-2009 They are home..! |

After spending a wonderful weekend with Marion and Marco I took Pressie's babies home today!
Marion and Marco, thank you só much for all you did for our little Presils, words can not express how gratefull I am...
Now it's time for Milo and Ponya to take over, and finish what sweet little Samurai so lovingly started!
Click here for the latest photos. |
15-02-2009 Almost four weeks old |

Due to the wonderful and loving care of Samurai, Marion and Marco our little Presils are still going strong!
Now, at the age of almost 4 weeks old, they have grown into real little doggies, and it's wonderful to watch them playing together. Pressie would have been só proud...
To see new photos - click here. |
11-02-2009 The first real meal! |

Today Marion let our little Presils experience their very first real meal.
Supervised by foster mommy Samurai they sniffed, tasted, ate and rolled through it, and they all had a great time!
Thanks Marion, for making them look decent again! ;)
Click here for the photos. |
06-02-2009 Hello world! |

At 18 days old all Prescious's babies have opened their eyes now. They also discovered their legs and feet, and are making attempts to start walking.
New photos - click here.
02-01-2009 Two weeks old |

The Presils are two weeks old today. They are growing nicely and are doing fine. Their eyes are about to open, so soon they will start to explore the world.
So far I can only say I'm very very pleased with how they look, it looks like this combination turns out really well.
On the other hand it's so sad that Pressie can't raise them, I miss her soooo much...
New photos - click here. |
29-01-2009 10 days old Presils |

Pressie's little babies are now 10 days old, and are still going strong. Marion and Samurai are giving them the utmost care, for which I'm very gratefull...
Please click here to see the new pictures. |
25-01-2009 Prescious's treasures... |

Yesterday we went to see Pressie's babies who have been lovingly adopted by Marion Radstok's girl Samurai...
Click here to see the photo's... |
23-01-2009 The world turned upside down... |

Arkay Bo's Rincen
06-05-2004 * 20-01-2009 |
Life feels as though that it could end
Prescious was my closest friend
She was, and is 'my life' forever
We will always, always be together
Let God take my baby
Let him take care of my lady
We will meet one day together
My love will always be forever
Remembering the good days
Remembering her enchanting ways
Remembering the happiness
That we both shared together
My heart will ache, my eyes will cry
My head will spin, my tears will never dry
Keeping my memories alive, let Prescious survive
In my heart and my mind, let Rainbow Bridge unwind
Goodnight little baby and don´t you cry
The time came to say goodbye
Angels will love and care for you
Just as your Mommy did for you
16-01-2009 Almost due... |

We are very excited about the upcoming birth of our little Presils. Today, on the 56th day of her pregnancy, Pres is doing very well.
We hope and pray for a speedy and easy delivery for Pressie, and healthy little Presils... |
23-12-2008 We're pregnant! |

On November 21st Pres had a romantic date with her friend Basil (Kai-La-Sha The Real Deal) and after waiting for 4,5 long weeks we got fantastic news from our vet today - Pres is pregnant!
Click here to see the puppy announcement. Thank you Henny for creating this wonderful image!
Click here for our puppy page. |