Our little Presils were born on January 19, 2009

Their names are:

Kyechu Prescious's Paradise (boy)
Kyechu Prescious's Treasure (boy)
Kyechu Prescious's Heritage (boy)
Kyechu Prescious's Smile (girl)
Kyechu Prescious's Pride (girl)
Kyechu Prescious's Gift (girl)
Kyechu Prescious's Joy (girl)


Flying out

Milan has found a loving home with the Jansen family in Noordwijkerhout


Beertje is living abroad with his new human and furry family



12 weeks old - growing up







11 weeks old - the puppy picknick







Almost 10 weeks old

Our mommie bought new beds for us!

Ain't I cute..?

And what about me..?

We like the new beds!!

Pippie is enjoying her fresh chicken bone


'Sophie' has been lovingly adopted by Wendy and lives in Venray



Almost 9 weeks old

Female 1, Kyechu Prescious's Gift

Female 2, Kyechu Prescious's Smile

Female 3, Kyechu Prescious's Pride

Male 1, Kyechu Prescious's Treasure

Male 2, Kyechu Prescious's Heritage

Male 3, Kyechu Prescious's Paradise

Female 4, Kyechu Prescious's Joy


'Vida' found a loving new home with Colinda, Bert, Maurice and Samantha in The Hague


'Cimba' is the chosen and wished for one of Roy and Georgette and now lives in Amsterdam


'Pippie' (because of her white socks) stays with us


'Maja' (named after a very special Slovenian girl) also stays with us



8 weeks old





7 weeks old

Come and play with me..!

Hungry like a wooolfe!

Now it's time to kiss!


Female 1

Female 2

Female 3

Male 1

Male 2

Male 3

Female 4



Right after feeding time, it's time to take a nap...

Male 1 is sleeping close to his toy

Male 2 prefers sleeping in the bed...

Female 1 can't part with her little froggy

Ahhhh...a pic, then I must look up!

Male 2 just woke up from the flash

Female 2 cuddled up with male 3

Male 3 is already dreaming about her next meal...



6 weeks old

Female 1

Female 2

Female 3

Male 1

Male 2

Male 3

Female 4



Oh...I can sleep anywhere..!

I can even sleep on my toy!

We don't have time to sleep, we want to get out!!

We are home..!

And again...it's time to sleep!



34 days old:

Female 1

Female 2

Female 3

Male 1

Male 2

Male 3

Female 4



27 days old and the Presils are having fun together!

Yummie...what's for dinner today??

Female 1

Female 2

Female 3

Male 1

Male 2

Male 3

Female 4



23 days old, experiencing their first real meal!

It doesn't only taste good, it feels good too!

This is mine, and mine only!

See, I chased her away, and now it's mine!

Oh boy, they all came back, but I won't give up defending my dish!

HA, I told you so...MINE MINE MINE!

Thát was good, now clean me up and let me get some sleep...

A bath?? Do I really need a bath..?

I'm cold, please dry me and put me back with my brothers and sisters...

Now that we're all clean and dry again, we can sleep...



19 days old

Samurai says: Dinner time!



13 days old - the boys

13 days old - the girls

Female 1

Female 2

Female 3

Male 1

Male 2

Male 3

Female 4



10 days old





5 days old

Female 1

Female 2

Female 3

Male 1

Male 2

Male 3

Female 4


With foster mommy Samurai



One day old


Just born...still with mommy Prescious...


Dam: Arkay Bo's Rincen
Sire: Kai-La-Sha The Real Deal


Pedigree of the puppies:

Kai-La-Sha The Real Deal Ch. Kai-La-Sha Justa Jigolo Ch. Kai-La-Sha Tom-Tru
Kai-La-Sha Charlie's Angel
Kai-La-Sha Firefly II Ch. Tabu PA's Courage Under Fire
Ch. Kai-La-Sha Alpenrose of Bo
Arkay Bo's Rincen Arkay Tashi of Bo Everglo Aruba Padma of Bo
Ch. Arkay Robbee's Lite Em Up
Arkay Everglo Cimba of Bo Everglo Nova Panchen of Bo
Ch. Arkay Robbee's Lite Em Up


Since Prescious arrived in March 2007 we have been thinking of a male to breed her to. For sure we wanted to continue the old lines, but breeding is more than combining pedigrees. So, after going over several males, comparing them to Prescious and keeping in mind the features we would like to improve we decided to mate her to Basil (Kai-La-Sha The Real Deal).