23-12-2008 We're pregnant! |

On November 21st Pres had a romantic date with her friend Basil (Kai-La-Sha The Real Deal) and after waiting for 4,5 long weeks we got fantastic news from our vet today - Pres is pregnant!
Click here to see the puppy announcement. Thank you Henny for creating this wonderful image!
Click here for our puppy page. |
09-11-2008 International shows in Wells |

At the International show in Wells (Austria) on 06-12-08 Ponya took Res.CACA/CACIB!
The next day Ponya took another Res.CACA.
Thank you sis, for showing her!! |
17-11-2008 Best of Breed for Prescious |

At the clubmatch of the NKC in Veendam om 16-11-2008 Prescious won Best Bitch and Best of Breed!
Congratulations to Jessica Geraerts who won Reserve Best Baby in Show with Tara v.d. Pacific Paradise!
Thank you Jess for the great weekend!
International show in Vrtojba |

At the International show in Vrtojba on 08-11-2008 Eva won CAC in intermediate class. Eva is now Slovenian Junior Champion!
Congratulations to Maja Krempuš with finishing Eva!
Maja, we're proud of you!! |
13-10-2008 Specialty Dutch Breed Club |

At the annual Specialty of the Dutch Breed Club on 12-10 our Prescious got 2 excellent in open class. |

Ponya was placed 4th in champions class.
Congratulations to:
- Jos Hordijk on winning Best In Specialty Show with his 11 years old veteran bitch Kashgar Ben Mazar-I-Sharif
- Leoni van Denderen on winning Best In Show Puppy with June from the Himalaya Hill's and Best In Show Brace
- Wilma Weijmans on winning Best In Show Junior with Chicomy's Dha Khan
- Jessica Geraerts on winning Best In Show 5 Baby with Nala v.d. Pacific Paradise, en winning Best Male with Dusky v.d. Pacific Paradise
22-09-2008 International shows in Maribor |

At the International show in Maribor on 20-09-2008 our Kace won CAC and CACIB!
The next day at the Specialty of the Slovenian Breed Club Kace won another CAC.
With these results Kace is now Slovenian Champion!
Well done sis and Kace!
Congratulations to Simona Stakne for winning Res.CAC with Tong-Hua Kyechu Evening Star, en to Maja Krempuš on winning 3 ex with Tong-Hua Kyechu Everlasting Charm! |
01-09-2008 We have a visitor! |

After visiting Vesna and Matej in July Vesna let me take her sweetheart Slovenian and Bosnia-Herzegovinan champion Tong-Hua B'ter Po-Nya home. Ponya will be staying with us for a while and go to the shows with me.
She is having a great time here with Milo and Prescious, who generously share our bed with her as well.
Thank you sis, for letting her stay with us! |
After being retired from the show rings in 2005, she made her come back at her first show in The Netherlands on 31-08-2008 in Rotterdam.
Here Ponya won Res. Best Bitch with Res.CAC/CACIB!
Thank you judge Rajko Rotner! |
31-08-2008 Buddha wins his first title! |

At the double National shows in Trbovlje (Slovenia) on 30/31-08 Buddha won two Junior CAC's in a row.
After winning his first Junior CAC at the International show in Portorož on 15-06 this means he now has completed the title of Slovenian Junior Champion!
Well done Marko and Buddha! |
28-07-2008 Buddha is back home!!! |

Early in the evening of 27-07 Buddha was found in a shopping mall in Koper, Slovenia. He was left behind there, tied with a chain. Thanks to Rebeka Nachtigal from Piran he was returned to Marko Fereni and Damir Frey. Buddha is doing fine and is happy to be back home again.
Thank you Rebeka!!!
Marko, Damir, Vesna and I want to express our gratitude to everyone who helped in the extensive search for Buddha, and for all the support we got when we went through this nightmare. Thank you all!!!
25-07-2007 MISSING LHASA APSO!! |
On Friday July 25 around 15.30 hour a stranger entered the house of Marko Fereni and Damir Frey on Babici Gornji 56 in Umag, Croatia. This lady stole a little black male and left in a car with foreign yellow license plates. A neighbour witnessed her leave.
The male has a tattoo is his left ear: 214. His chip number is: 705 230 000 102 674.
If you have any information about this lady, or know where the male is, then please call Marko Fereni on 00385-989-267774 or the police in Umag at 00385-52--533444. Information which leads to the return of the male will be rewarded!!
To the person who has the male: you can leave him at any police station wherever you are, and give the Umag police an anonimous call to tell them where you left him. |
23-07-2008 International show in Oberwart |

At the International show in Oberwart (Austria) on 20-07 Prescious took Res.CACA and Res.CACIB!
Congratiolations to Jessica and her sweet Dusky v.d. Pacific Paradise on winning CACA/CACIB and Best Male!
Thank you Vesna & Matej, Maja, Stevo, Sebastjan & Alenka and Jessica for your friendship, support, and all the laughs and fun we had on this wonderful day! |
17-06-2008 Another Best of Breed for Prescious! |

At the International show in Portorož (SLO) on 14-06-08 I showed Prescious under judge Roberto Velez Pico (PUR). She was awarded Best Bitch, CAC/CACIB, Best of Breed, qualified for Crufts 2009 and won the title Adria Winner 2008!
The next day at the International show in Portorož we took Res.CAC/CACIB under judge Tatjana Urek (SLO).
In the evening of May 14th Vesna took Prescious to the International Night Show in Umag (CRO) where she was judged by Daniela Risdan (SLO) who awarded her with CAC and res.CACIB. Thank you sis!!
Congratulations to all my friends who in Portorož successfully showed:
- Tong-Hua Kyechu Everlasting Charm
- Tong-Hua Kyechu Evening Star
- Tong-Hua Gon-Po
- Tong-Hua Kyechu Face of Buddha
- Titling Dalaj-Nur
My sincere thanks goes to all the judges, and my special thanks goes to Vesna & Matej, Marko & Damir, Maja, Simona, Stevo & Biserka, Sebastjan & Alenka, Frans Janssen and Marjolijn Dirkx for this fantastic weekend!! |
31-05-2008 Best of Breed for Prescious! |

Vesna took Prescious to the National show on 31-05 in Hrušica (Slovenia). The judge, Mr. Kenneth Edh (S), awarded our Duchess with 1 excellent, CAC, Best Bitch and Best of Breed!
In the group she was also one of the 6 selected dogs.
Thank you sis, for this mile stone, well done!
Thank you Mr. Kenneth Edh for awarding Pres! |
The next day, at the show in Mežaklja (also in Slovenia) Prescious took another bitch CAC under judge Milivoje Urošević (Srbija).
Now she has 3 CAC's in Slovenia, and we just have to wait until she can finish for the title of Slovenian Champion.
Thank you sis, for all your efforts!!! |
25-05-2008 Double International show in Varaždin |

Vesna showed Prescious at the International shows in Varaždin (Croatia) on 24/25-05-2008.
On Sunday Pres was judged by Zlatko Kraljić, and he awarded our Duchess with CAC and res.CACIB! |
On Saturday she was judged by Dubravka Reicher and she took Reserve CAC!
Now we just wait 346 days before she can finish the title of Croatian Champion.
Thank you sooo much sis, for showing and loving her!
21-05-2008 Prescious is on a holliday! |

On March 10, after the show in Arnhem, Vesna took our Duchess home. She will stay with Vesna for some time to be shown.
I miss her very much and I'm counting the weeks until she will be home again, but Pres is enjoying the time with her second mommy very much! She is soooo spoiled, she even managed to take over the best place in bed - under the blankets with Vesna!
On her first show with Vesna on 18-05-08 in Novi Marof (Croatia) she won her second Croatian CAC!
Thank you sis, for showing her, and for your fantastic care!!
Thank you judge Vibor Ježek for awarding her, and thank you Jovana for the photo of Pres in the ring! |
12-05-2008 International show in Arnhem |

At the International show in Arnhem om 10-05-2008 Prescious took a 4 excellent in open class.

Our Anya was shown in champions class and she took reserve CAC and reserve CACIB. |
05-05-2008 International shows in Zadar |

At the International shows in Zadar (Croatia) Prescious was shown in open class. The first day she took a 3 excellent under judge Tatjana Urek (SLO). The second day she was judged by Ivana Bakal (HR) and she awarded our princess with Best Bitch with CAC and CACIB!!
Thank you Vesna and Matej, for letting me experience what showing dogs can be like! Thank you Marko Fereni and Damir Frey for your friendship and support! Thank you Stevo and Biserka Kalafatic for taking me into your family!

Tong-Hua Kyechu Face of Buddha, owned by Marko Fereni, Damir Frey, Monique van Boxtel and Vesna Krajnc took BOB puppy both days.
Last but not least - Congratulations to Marko and Damir for winning BOB and BIG3 with Titling Dalai-Nur on Saturday! |
Tong-Hua Kyechu Explore The World took the Junior CAC both on Saturday and Sunday and went on to BOB Junior both days! |
28-04-2008 Annual Club Meeting |

Yesterday the annual meeting of the Dutch Breed Club was held. 8 Lhasa Apso fanatics went there and we had a great day all together. Prescious was entered, just for fun, and we took the opportunity to take new pictures of her on this bright and sunny day.
Thank you Jessica for picturing our girl so beautifully! |
20-04-2008 International shows in Celje |

At the International shows in Celje on April 19 & 20 our princess took Best Bitch with CAC and CACIB both days!
Way to go Vesna and Anya!
Congratulations to Vesna for winning Junior CAC's with Tong-Hua Kyechu Evening Star, Tong-Hua Kyechu Ever So Bright and Tong-Hua Kyechu Everlasting Charm.
Vesna's baby boy Tong-Hua Garkan was awarded Best Baby both days. Well done sis! |
17-03-2008 International show in Leiden |

At the International show in Leiden on 16-03-2008 Vesna and I were together again.
Our most enjoyable moment during the week we spent together was when our Anya won Best Bitch, went on to Best of Breed and got her first point towards the Dutch title!
Thank you judge José Zijlmans! |

Our Prescious was placed 3rd in open class and she got an excellent critique.
Our boy Cody (Tong-Hua Kyechu Ebony Temptation) had a lazy day and was placed 3rd in junior class. |
02-03-2008 International show Groningen |

At the International show in Groningen on 01-03-2008 Prescious won the open class and got the reserve CACIB!
Thank you judge Mrs. Pamela Runderkamp!
25-02-2008 Winter Winner in Celje |

At the Winter Winner in Celje on 24-02-2008 Anya made her come back. She took Best Bitch, CAC and Best of Breed!
Thank you Vesna, for taking our Princess back to where she belongs - in the spotlights! |

Also our girl Tiki was shown, and she took the CAC in intermediate class! |

Our little Prince Buddha (Everglo Terso of Bo x Multi Ch. Everglo Anya of Bo) was shown in puppy class and he won Best of Breed Puppy.
At the end of the day he became Best In Show Puppy 3!
Thank you sis, for handling our dogs so nicely, and for giving them your love and the utmost care!! |
22-02-2008 Wicket and Dolly are parents! |

On February 21 Vesna's girl Tong-Hua Dolma-La gave birth to 8 puppies - 3 boys and 5 girls!
Their proud daddy is Wicket (Everglo Terso of Bo).
Inquiries to:
Vesna Krajnc , Celje, Slovenia:
Email: kosmatiprinc@email.si
Phone: +38 - 631 - 572 251 |
29-01-2008 7 weeks old puppies |

Click on the photos to open a larger version.
Female 1 |
Female 2 |
Female 3 |
Female 4 |
Male 1 |
Male 2 |
Male 3 |
15-01-2008 Shows in Ljubljana |

At the International show in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 12-01-2008 Presious won the open class and was awarded with the CAC!
The next day at the Tromostovje show our Tiki (Bo Baso Mo Tong-Hua) took the CAC in intermediate class and finished her title. Tiki is now Slovenian Junior Champion!
Cody (Tong-Hua Kyechu Ebony Temptation) won the Junior CAC, and Buddha (Tong-Hua Kyechu Face of Buddha) won Best Baby! |
06-01-2008 4 weeks old puppies |

Here are some new pictures of Ponya's and Wicket's babies, now 4 weeks old!
Their names are:
- Glu-Glu
- Galme
- Garkan
- Gon-Po
- Gyal-Mo
- Gyaltsen
- Gyalwa