10-12-2006 Winter Winner Celje |

At the Winter Winner in Celje, Slovenia, on December 10 2006 Tiki and Kace were shown for the first time.
Tiki (Bo Baso Mo Tong-Hua) won Best Puppy.
Kace (Everglo Kace Mo Tong-Hua Bo) won her first CAC.
Thank you Vesna!! |
08-12-2006 Sweety x Wicket puppies |

On November 14th, Sweety (Bo's J.Car's Sweet Revenge) gave birth to 5 puppies - 4 boys and 1 girl.
This litter is bred in co-ownership of Betty Ingram and Monique van Boxtel, and was born in the United States of America.
Contact info:
Betty Ingram
Email: bokennels@yahoo.com
Phone: +1-734-6673773 |
Everglo Terso of Bo
Kai La Sha Cruise Control
Kai La Sha Tenzing |
Kai-La-Sha Charlie's Angel |
Everglo Sara Lee Too |
Ch. Everglo’s Lingo’s Foo Kyi-Po |
Lingo’s Thumper |
Bo's J.Car's Sweet Revenge |
Everglo Nova Nag-Po of Bo |
Everglo Dancing Flame |
Chiyoko R A Ke-Tu of Bo |
Lamel Heaven Cent |
Sharbo Yago |
Myers Tramel Keeping Secrets |
Sire: Everglo Terso of Bo |
Dam: Bo's J.Car's Sweet Revenge |
16-11-2006 Repeat breeding! |


Since the first breeding of Tanner and Anya produced such beautiful and typical puppies, we decided to do a repeat breeding.
In the first litter there were 2 males and one female. All three are show quality. Vesna and I kept Tong-Hua Bo Chance to Dream (Nina), Tong-Hua Bo Coffee Break (Bruce) went to Karin Acker and Tong-Hua Bo Courage of an Angel (Alex, now called Reza) went to Claudia Tödt.
Puppies are expected around Januari 21, 2007.
Contact info:
Monique van Boxtel
Email: monique@kyechu.nl
Phone: 0031 (0) 626 - 254616 |
29-10-2006 We're home! |
After spending 10 fantastic days with Betty in the USA we made it back home! The dogs arrived safe and well too and already settled in.
This picture was taken at Detroit Metro Inn airport just minutes before we said goodbye...
Thank you Betty and sis for the wonderful time, the good laughs, the talks and everything else!
21-10-2006 Trip to Canada |
On October 21 Betty, Vesna and I travelled to Canada to meet Gerald D'Aoust. Please go here to read about our Canadian Pilgrimage and to see the photos and videos! |
19-10-2006 3 = 1 !! |
On October 19, Vesna and I arrived in Detroit, USA, and Betty was waiting there for us. This was a dream coming true for the three of us, we had been waiting for this moment for 5 years...
At this moment we are still in the USA, and we decided to take some of the dogs home with us.
Pictured below are the dogs we're taking back with us to Europe. |

(Arkay Tashi of Bo x Arkay Everglo Cimba of Bo)
This breath taking bitch is going to live with Monique |

(Kai-La-Sha Cruise Control x Everglo Sara Lee Too)
This gorgeous boy is going to live with Vesna |

(Everglo Terso of Bo x Everglo Dagpa of Bo)
This cute little youngster is going to live with Monique |

(Everglo Lingo O'Robbees x Everglo Dagpa of Bo)
This sweet little monkey is going to live with Vesna |
05-10-2006 Molly is a mommy! |
On September 20th, Molly (Wa Tsa-Mo Tong-Hua of Bo) gave birth to two puppies - a boy and a girl. This litter is bred in co-ownership of Betty Ingram, Monique van Boxtel & Vesna Krajnc, and was born in the United States. |
Everglo Terso of Bo
Kai La Sha Cruise Control
Kai La Sha Tenzing |
Kai-La-Sha Charlie's Angel |
Everglo Sara Lee Too |
Ch. Everglo’s Lingo’s Foo Kyi-Po |
Lingo’s Thumper |
Wa Tsa-Mo Tong Hua of Bo |
Ch. Tabu's Pure N’Simple Of Sodee |
Ch. Tabu’s CL Take Over |
Ch. Tabu’s Jorja Brown of SoDee |
Chiyoko's To Be Continued |
Ch. Chiyoko's Special Delivery |
Tall Oaks Tibetan Treasure |
Sire: Everglo Terso of Bo |
Dam: Wa Tsa-Mo Tong-Hua of Bo |
Bo Tong-Hua Mo's Magic Contines (male) |
Bo Tong-Hua Mo's Dream Continues (female) |
02-08-2006 CAC show in Nagykanizsa (Hungary) |

Gyal, now 6 months old, took Best Lhasa Apso Puppy and went on to Reserve Best Puppy In Show!
Nina (Tong-Hua Bo Chance to Dream) and Senge (Tong-Hua D'Jam-Po Senge) were shown as well, and both were awarded Very Promising. |
08-06-2006 Another success in Prijedor (Bosnia) |

At the International show in Prijedor (Bosnia) on June 4th Anya won another Best of Breed. Thank you judge Mr. Urosevic!
7 shows this year, 7 times BOB, I think you can imagine how proud we are of our princess!
07-06-2006 New Lhasa Apso website online! |

http://www.planetlhasa.com |

Today 10 Lhasa Apso breeders from 6 European countries joined forces and launched a new website on which you can find tons of information about the Lhasa Apso. Right now the site is available in Dutch, but we're working hard on translations to English, French, German and Spanisch.
We wanted to create an international and interactif community for breeders, owners, fanciers and people who are interested in the breed, and provide them with honost, unbiased information.
Please check it out!
28-05-2006 Successes in Hrušica (Slovenia)!! |

Anya's 6th show in 2006, and 6th time Best Bitch and Best of Breed! Way to go Vesna and Anya! |

Gyal, a son of Kai-La-Sha Soldier of Fortune x Ch. Tong-Hua B'ter Po-nya, was entered for his first show at the age of 4 months. Not only did he win Best Puppy, he also became Best Puppy In Show and beat 39 other pups!
Gyal is co owned by Vesna Krajnc and Monique van Boxtel, and will make his show debute in The Netherlands in 2007. Watch out for our new star!
Besides Gyal also Nina (Tong-Hua Bo Chance to Dream), Senge (Tong-Hua D'Jam-Po Senge) and Yomi (Tong-Hua D'Yontan Nyima) were shown. All our babies got excellent critiques and were awarded with "Very Promising"! |
24-05-2006 Introducing Nina!! |

With pride and joy we introduce our new star: Nina!
Nina is the daughter of Ch. Everglo Anya of Bo and Ch. Lamel Tong-Hua Tenzin Gyatso Bo and was born on Januari 21, 2006. She is a copy of her mother, and we can't wait to see what she will do in the show ring. In the mean while Nina is enjoying her life to the max in Slovenia and is as happy as a little puppy can be.
Nina is co owned by Vesna Krajnc, Betty Ingram and Monique van Boxtel.
20/21-05-2006 Shows Croatia |

20-05-06: CAC Novi Marof:
Best Bitch, Best of Breed and Best in Group
21-05-06: CACIB Varaždin:
Best Bitch and Best of Breed
So far Anya has been shown 5 times in 2006, and all 5 times she won Best of Breed!
Thank you Vesna for taking such excellent care of, and loving our Mrs. Wonderful! |
07-05-2006 CAC Vukovar (Croatia) |

Anya continues her winning way!
1 excellent, CAC, Best Bitch and Best of Breed
Well done Vesna and Anya!!
07-05-2006 Europasieger Dortmund (Germany) |

A warm congratulations to Bianca, Willy and Maria Feijen on the wonderful win of their home bred bitch Dharmakaya Djomo-Lag!
Djomo-Lag took Best Bitch, Best of Breed and Best In Group at the VDH-Europasieger Zuchtschau 2006 in Dortmund!
By this win the breed was represented in the group judging by a Lhasa Apso of correct, old type. Thank you judges Uwe Fischer and Josef Pohling for recognizing and appreciating this bitch! |
04-05-2006 Puppy trip |

Congratulations to Marion Radstok on the latest addition to her Close To Perfection kennel!
On 03-05-2006 Marion and Vesna met at Kyechu. Vesna drove all the way from Slovenia accompanied by her beautiful puppies. Marion went home with Metka, a gorgeous Kai-La-Sha Soldier of Fortune x Ch. Tong-Hua B'ter Po-nya daughter.
Marion, good luck with your new little girl! Vesna, thank you for giving Marion the opportunity to work with these excellent lines, and for raising such a wonderful girl!

Congratulations to Karin Acker on aquiring the absolutely stunning young male Bruce! This promise for the future is out of Multi Champion Everglo Anya of Bo, sired by Multi Champion Lamel Tong-Hua Tenzin Gyatso Bo. |

Congratualtions to Claudia Tödt on aquiring the beautiful eye catching young male Alex! We expect Alex to grow up to become a reflection of his mother, Multi Champion Everglo Anya of Bo. Being the litter brother of Bruce, he is of course also sired by Multi Champion Lamel Tong-Hua Tenzin Gyatso Bo. |
09-04-2006 IHA Wieselburg (Austria) |

V1, CAC, CACIB, Best of Breed |
12-03-2006 IHA Graz (Austria) |

V1, CAC, CACIB, Best of Breed
Anya was shown in perfect condition, just 7 weeks after she had her first litter.
Thank you Vesna, you do me proud!
Januari 2006 Puppies! |

Born Januari 21, 2006
2 boys, 1 girl
Sire: Multi Ch. Lamel Tong-Hua Tenzin Gyatso Bo
Dam: Multi Ch. Everglo Anya of Bo |

Born Januari 29, 2006
3 girls (pictured left)
Sire: Kai-La-Sha Soldier of Fortune
Dam: Ch. Tong-Hua B'ter Po-nya
I girl still available |

Born Januari 29, 2006
3 boys (pictured left)
Sire: Kai-La-Sha Soldier of Fortune
Dam: Ch. Tong-Hua B'ter Po-nya
2 boys still available |
Top Lhasa 2005! |

Our princess is the best Lhasa Apso and the best Tibetan dog among all Tibetan Breeds in Slovenia for 2005!!
Anya gathered a stunning total of 515,5 points and was awarded with the titles:
Slovenian Top Lhasa Apso 2005
Slovenian Top Tibetan dog 2005
02-10-05 Euro dog show Tulln (Austria) |

Bundessieger 2005
At this show Tanner completed his Austrian title! |